Framing Squares

In a recent comment, I mentioned that I love the naming of things. Quilts give me the opportunity to find the exactly perfect name, and I think I did it with this quilt. It’s called “Framing Squares” which, for you non-builders, is a tool used in the construction business. My neighbor’s son just graduated from high school and spent a good chunk of the last year working with his building arts class to construct a house for Habitat for Humanity. He has a summer job with the contractor they worked with on the house. I looked at the names of the inspiration quilts and loved the name 4-Squared, but of course I couldn’t steal that. I thought about squares, and that made me think of construction, which led to Framing Squares. Perfect!

Framing Squares

Mom and I have been working on the quilt steadily for the past two weeks, although we originally conceived it a year ago after we finished the Good & Plenty quilt for another neighbor’s graduation. We gave the quilt to Ryan on Saturday, and he was suitably appreciative. Ryan’s a great kid (can I still call an 18 year old a kid?), and has helped us out with yard work and snow removal since he was little. For the past several years he hasn’t allowed us to pay him for any of the work he does (seriously, he gets a little obstinate when he refuses), so we were happy to be able to make the quilt for him.

We adapted a label technique from Jennifer Can Quilt, although instead of leaving it loose, attached only in the binding, we decided to attached it on all sides. It fits the theme of Framing Squares, too!

Framing Squares label

These are the same fabrics I’m using on my Family Basket blocks, and I just love how they look together!


  1. Love it! It’s appropriate, well-named and a terrific way to give back to someone who refuses traditional payment. I like your label too!

  2. i love this quilt! what was your method for piecing the squares together? surely you didn’t do a million little squares.

    btw, i thought that label method looked familiar! 😀

    • Oh, no, there’s no way I’d do all those squares separately! I sewed four sets of four blue strips together, then cut them into segments, then sewed the segments together. I repeated the process with the brown fabrics. Much faster and easier. Hmmm… looks like I should do a process post.

  3. I LOVE your quilt….. and the story behind it….

    I also posted on Quilt Story blog…

    Thank you for sharing


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