About Me

Piece of Me. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

I’m Sandi, and I live in south central Wisconsin with my mom and three cats. (They’re the only roommates who can tolerate me!)

I’ve been quilting since 2003 but playing with fabric all my life. Mostly just petting it, because I could never get the hang of sewing clothes. Too fussy! Although how cutting it into little bits and sewing it back together is “less fussy,” I don’t know. I also make the occasional bag and toy. I fight my cats for my fabric stash since they think it’s their personal bedding. My style is mostly classic piecing using current fabrics and color palettes. “Art” quilts (and the quotations are simply because I think all quilting is art) are gorgeous, and I greatly admire those able to make them. At this point, my brain isn’t ready to think that way.

I also enjoy cooking, reading, and hanging out in the garden.

You can send me an email with the form below.


  1. I have the same set up as you do..wish I would have seen your site a yr. ago..had all of the problems you described..could have saved me a lot of headaches..lol…not sure how you turn your quilt around to quilt the bottom..what rollers do you use…but then again I have not tried that yet..thanks for your imput..Kathleen

  2. Hello from Janesville 🙂 *waves* I’m all excited to see another quilter in the area who keeps a blog.

    I, too, have the machine quilting set up you, and three cats to boot! BTW, yours are adorable. I’m a sucker for cats – as my own know.

  3. Hi Sandi! Can you please me email me when you get a chance so I can get some info from you about Pay It Forward.

  4. Sandi, hi from Alberta, Canada! I found your blog one day recently, via another blog, and I LOVE our basket blocks – some of them I have never seen before. I was wondering if I could get permission from you to use them for our guild’s Block of the MOnth program next fall/winter/spring. I’ve been looking for nice basket block patterns that are pieced (not too many of our members like applique (HOW COULD THEY NOT??!!?? LOL) and these are wonderful.

    I am also enjoying reading your blog (have it listed in my Favourites), and am slowly reading backwards in date.

    Thank you for sharing these blocks etc with us – I will be making them for myself, for sure. Just need to find the right fabrics – AND TIME!!


  5. I would like to use your designs for a block of the month at my guild Kokomo Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Kokomo, IN. Thanks, Debbie

  6. Hi Sandi, I rec. an e-mail from you in Jan. A fellow quilter could help me find instructions for my phaff grand quilter and frame. Helen, I think. I have not heard anything and was wondering if she could still help. Thank you so much. Liz

  7. I am working on the Christmas cactus with my Aunt in IL and we are enjoying it a great deal. Thank you for such a wonderful easy to follow pattern.

  8. am looking for a way to clean off vlisofix put on wrong side of material. saw your curved flying geese and realised that if 2 blocks were sewn together the other way it was the base for sewing in the window of cathedral windows, and a lot easier than another machined base that i do. the windows would end up in rows but it would be a way to use a great background material as well as the window fabric, and would make a stunning border.

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