Survey Drawing Winners

I decided to choose two winners for the survey drawing.  I had 187 comments on the drawing post, and over 575  survey responses so far! The survey itself is still open, and I hope others will continue to respond.

I used the good old Random Number Generator and the winners are:

#35 – Mimi

#148 – Sunnybec

I’ve sent emails to both of the winners, and once I hear from them I’ll put together a five fat quarter bundle for each, tailored to their fabric preferences.

Thank you all so much for participating, and for your encouraging words. It’s been a rough couple of weeks! I’ll be closing the survey next weekend and I’ll start sharing the results then.


  1. Sorry you’ve had a rough time. I didn’t think your original post was nasty, but some of the responses I read on other blogs were. You’ve handled the whole thing with a lot of class. Thanks for your skill building series, very thoughtful and well done!

  2. Wow! This is great!! I’ll be checking out the details of your survey to see how I compare with many others… or not! Thank you!!

  3. I took the survey out of curiosity. I clicked pretty much every box. I suspect I’m a kindred spirit of commenter Nancy’s as I have yet to meet an “ugly” fabric! I don’t cut them smaller though — I think they just haven’t found the right color to hang out with yet.

    I have no opinion on the hand wringing about difficult quilts; I can’t presume to know the motivation of quilters and bloggers other than me. One of the things I love most about quilting is just how diverse it is. Simple or complex, bold or subdued, arty or traditional, beginner or advanced, quick or a lifelong project, we shouldn’t be blind to the possibilities of the medium.

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